A pop up gallery by Tinus van Walraven.
A pop up gallery by Tinus van Walraven.
Terug van weggeweest. Oud-Zandvoortse Jessie Geels (’46) is weer terug van weggeweest. Als puber vertrok ze in het begin van de zestiger jaren uit Zandvoort; als bekend schilderes keert ze als Jessie de Deugd, moeder van twee kinderen, de gehele maand augustus terug in Coenraad Art Gallery. Op de middelbare school in Haarlem kwam haar…Read more …
Zij, in een oogopslag… is een expositie van de uitzonderlijke werken van Carolien de Brouwer (1964) met hoofdzakelijk vrouwenfiguren. De geportretteerde vrouwen hebben een dromerige uitdrukking wat intrigerend werkt. Kijkend naar de schilderijen komt de vraag op: wat of waaraan denkt zij? Waarom die oogopslag? Uitzonderlijk. Carolien de Brouwer (1964) heeft gewerkt als grafisch ontwerpster…Read more …
Encounter at the seaside This exhibition will show unique works. That Maatje gets her inspiration mainly from humans and nature, becomes obvious in this exhibition. She experiments with colors and shapes. She pushes the boundaries in all kinds of objects which she then combines with for instance ceramics and then processes it into works of art.…Read more …
Where East meets West…. at Coenraad Art Gallery This exhibition builds a bridge between the East and West European art/culture. Silvia Haralambova is a Bulgarian contemporary artist working in the field of fine and applied arts. She inherited the love for the art of her grandfather, who was a textile designer in the textile factories…Read more …
Warm colors, impressions of Africa as we imagine it when we talk about Africa. Warm, colorful, exotic nature and people. Taste this atmosphere during the exhibition Out of Africa….from June 10th, 2012 at Coenraad Art Gallery in Zandvoort. The grand opening will be performed by the Consul General of Angola, musically framed by Ngoma drums…Read more …
This spring, the gallery starts with exhibiting the exceptional works by Maatje Winters. From her earliest memories she thinks in shapes and colors. Numbers and letters were inseparable at school associated with a particular shape or color. And this is still her image language. She is inspired especially by people around her but also by nature. She likes…Read more …
Drawn to the color or composition of an object, the artist decides to form the object to being the subject. A colorful market in Barcelona or a beautiful shining raspberry can inspire her to make a painting. A simple object like an eggshell can, by its composition and dimension be ripped way from the reality…Read more …
The extra ordinary garden sculptures by Heleen Hoek are exhibited uptil and including 30.11.2011. This will be your last chance to see the sculptures from upclose and see the finesse with which these sculptures have been made. For opening hours of the gallery, please see the contact details on this website. We hope to welcome…Read more …